Brings TRT and Hormone Peptide Therapy to McAllen-area Men
According to recent Census data, the average age of a man in the McAllen area is approximately 35 years old. Nearly 1/3 of the population fall between the ages of 30 and 49. Coincidentally, this is about when many men start to experience the symptoms of aging that come along with Low Testosterone Levels, or Low-T.

What Is Testosterone and What Does It Do?
Testosterone is the major sex hormone found in males and is produced by the testes. (In women, the ovaries also produce Testosterone, but in significantly lower amounts.) Testosterone plays a major role in the development of male sex characteristics during and after puberty, including:
Just because Testosterone has humble origins in your nether-regions, don’t think that is its only job. In fact, Testosterone plays a big role in several of the body’s functions and can impact your physical, mental, and emotional well-being.
Physically: Testosterone can reduce your body fat while improving your muscle density and strength. It also improves your bone density and your immune system and helps you recover quicker from injury and illness. It can even improve your skin tone and circulation.
Mentally: For your brain, Testosterone can help improve your cognitive function, memory, and even help you sleep better. Early research indicates that it may help you maintain your brain cells as you get older.
Emotionally: Testosterone helps improve your mood, provides increased energy by increasing red blood cell production, and can even reduce symptoms of depression.
All this is why it is so important to monitor and maintain a normal T-Level as you get older.
What Happens to My Testosterone Levels as I Get Older?
What Happens to Men with Low-T?

Finding TRT near McAllen