Pushing Back Against Aging: Yes, You Can
Aging is inevitable. But the discomfort and slowing down that men often experience as they age don’t have to be. Maybe you’re concerned about that extra roll of belly fat that doesn’t seem to go away no matter how often you work out, or you keep...
Testosterone Replacement: Know the Benefits
Maybe you’re tired. Or you joke a little too much about feeling your age. And perhaps, in the midst of the jokes, you start to wonder if what you’re feeling is just about age. You’ve heard other men talk about the amazing results they’ve had...
8 Myths (and 5 Facts) About Testosterone
Since you were a teenager, you probably heard all sorts of locker room chatter about testosterone. Maybe you suffered through endless cold showers during high school because someone said it would boost your sex hormones. You might have been scared to masturbate for...
The Facts About HGH Peptide Treatment
Think back to your 20s and all the energy you had. It may have seemed like you could keep going forever. You were strong and lean and proud of what your body could do — including in the bedroom. But as you got older, you probably slowed down a bit. After all,...