You’re having some sleep problems. Maybe you’ve gotten so used to them that you believe it’s inevitable that you’ll get less sleep than you need, that you’ll spend hours trying to get to sleep, or trying to get back to sleep after waking...
You’re just getting older. That’s what you tell yourself when you walk into a room and don’t remember why you’re there. Or when you have to think a while before you give someone your phone number. Or when your boss asks you for the numbers on...
Those ads for testosterone boosters show up in your inbox all the time. They haunt you on social media. And it’s easy to think, “Hey, what harm could it do?” After all, testosterone is a natural substance, right? You’ve enjoyed the benefits...
You have questions about erectile dysfunction. But where can you get accurate information? You don’t trust those emails that land in your spam folder, and those pop-up ads feel a bit suspicious as well. You want to talk to someone, but how do you broach the most...
You have questions about erectile dysfunction. But where can you get accurate information? You don’t trust those emails that land in your spam folder, and those pop-up ads feel a bit suspicious as well. You want to talk to someone, but how do you broach the most...
Sometimes sex is all you can think of. (Remember being a teenager?) But sometimes, well, you’re not in the mood… even if you want to be. If you’ve noticed your libido, or sex drive, flagging lately, you may be experiencing a potentially serious...