The Facts About HGH Peptide Treatment
Think back to your 20s and all the energy you had. It may have seemed like you could keep going forever. You were strong and lean and proud of what your body could do — including in the bedroom. But as you got older, you probably slowed down a bit. After all,...
What Causes Low Testosterone Levels?
If your testosterone levels are low, you may gain weight, lose energy and experience mental fog, in addition to having various sexual side effects that can include erectile dysfunction and low libido. Many men shrug off these symptoms, chalking them up to being...
How to Talk to Your Doctor About Your Sexual Health
Sometimes it’s hard to advocate for yourself at a doctor’s office. You’re in an unfamiliar environment, surrounded by experts, and your internal monologue might be spinning in anxiety about the reason you’re there in the first place. It’s...
Feeling Exhausted? The Surprising Link Between Fatigue and Testosterone
Are you feeling tired more than you expect? That’s not surprising in some ways. After all, today’s fast-paced world puts a lot on your plate. You have to juggle work deadlines, deal with financial stresses, make sure your family’s okay and your...